Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
DCTIAH-KB-INDIA envisions a future where every community is informed, prepared, and capable of thriving beyond the challenges posed by disasters. Through collective action and strategic efforts, we aim to make resilience a reality for all.
Key Programs
1. Ham Radio Training & Exam Support Strengthening communication for emergencies.
2. Emergency Communication for Disaster Response Enhancing rapid response systems
3. Community-Based Disaster Preparedness Empowering local communities.
4.Train-the-Trainer Initiatives Developing skilled trainers for wide-scale impact.
5. First Aid Training & Public Education Promoting life-saving knowledge.
6. Research in DRR Technologies Driving innovation in disaster management.
7. DRR Ambassador Programs Creating advocates for disaster awareness.
8. STEM Education & Training Integrating STEM principles into resilience-building.
9. Social Services and Community Support Strengthening vulnerable communities.
Strategy board manages risks, plans mitigation for amateur radio community.
The strategy board assesses and manages risks associated with strategic initiatives and external factors that may impact the amateur radio community. It develops risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address potential threats and uncertainties proactively.
The strategy board engages with key stakeholders, including amateur radio operators, industry partners, government agencies, and the broader community, to solicit input, gather feedback, and build consensus around strategic priorities and initiatives.
The strategy board fosters partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, institutions, and stakeholders to leverage complementary strengths, share resources, and achieve common goals. Partnerships amplify strategic initiatives‘ impact
The strategy board monitors progress towards strategic goals and conducts regular evaluations to assess the effectiveness of initiatives and identify areas for improvement. It uses data and feedback to make informed decisions and adjust strategies as needed to stay on course.
The strategy board stands as a steadfast leader and champion for the amateur radio community. It represents community interests, advocates for regulatory support, and underscores amateur radio‘s essential role as both a public service and recreational pursuit.
The strategy board serves as a stalwart leader and advocate for the amateur radio community. The board represents community interests, advocates for regulatory support, and emphasizes amateur radio‘s vital role as both a public service and recreational pursuit.
Our Goals for Resilient Communities
1. Ensure high-risk zones are aware of their vulnerabilities and equipped to manage risks.
2. Enhance response capacities to anticipate and act swiftly in emergencies.
3. Promote climate-resilient schools for children.
4. nFoster safer living conditions with access to water, sanitation, and healthcare.
5. Build local capacities and resources for sustainable resilience.
6. Encourage investments in local innovations to strengthen disaster preparedness.
7. Support disaster-affected communities to rebuild stronger and rise above vulnerabilities.
8. Measure and track avoided losses in vulnerable areas due to our interventions.