Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
It offers insights into the Ham Radio Licensing process in India, highlighting its significance and procedural details.
License categories in amateur radio include Restricted Grade (for basic operations with medium power) and General Grade (for advanced operations with higher power). Each category has specific privileges and exam requirements.
Allows the use of medium power (10 W on VHF and UHF, 50 W on HF)
Permits only Reception
Permits the use of higher power (25 W on VHF and UHF, 400 W on HF)
Permits Transmission and Reception
The exam comprises a 100-mark paper with two sections: 50 marks for radio/electronics theory and 50 for Amateur Radio Rules & Regulations. Duration varies from one to three hours, plus Morse Code proficiency for General Grade.