Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
Safety, Health & Environment Focused Volunteer Membership Volunteer Membership with Free Access to Continuous Learning and Public Support DCTIAH-KB-INDIA (Disaster Communication Training Institute of Amateur Radio/Ham Operators - DRR) and DCTIAH-KB-INDIA (Volunteering) are dedicated to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), raising public awareness, and fostering lifelong membership engagement.
All DCTIAH-KB-INDIA Volunteers are welcome as individuals to become members and contribute to our mission and High Respect Value Membership
1. Volunteering for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
1. Open to All: Individuals in India are encouraged to join.
2. No Cost for Indian Individuals: Membership is free, though small contributions or donations are welcomed during the joining process.
3. Support Community Resilience: Actively participate in building disaster preparedness and enhancing public safety.
Acquire essential DRR skills and help mitigate the impacts of disasters.
Enhance DRR competency skills and support public safety within your community through volunteering.
Empower communities to become resilient and better prepared for disasters.
DCTIAH-KB-INDIA offers DRR skill-building opportunities for all members, showcasing their contributions in various forums.
Join a robust network of like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to disaster risk reduction.
Build technical skills, soft skills, and a comprehensive understanding of DRR and SHE practicesto secure positions in leading organizations.
Receive personalized advice from DRR and SHE experts with years of field experience.
Benefit from referrals and recommendations within our robust network Industry-Aligned Programs: Gain insights into practical challenges and solutions from real-world scenarios.
Collaborate with experts and peers both nationally and internationally.
All members receive an appreciation certificate upon completing one year of continuous support for their area and community.
Register your details to become an Individual Member and be part of a dedicated team making a difference in India’s disaster management and public safety efforts.
1. Provide your entire workforce with access to Continuous Learning in Disaster Risk Reduction.
2. Focus on Safety, Health, and Environment for a resilient and prepared organization.
3. Showcase corporate responsibility by participating in community resilience efforts.
1. Open to All: Companies in India and worldwide are encouraged to join.
2.No Cost for Indian Companies: Membership is free, though small contributions or donations are welcomed during the annual joining process.
3.Corporate Participation: Companies can join to actively support disaster preparedness initiatives and showcase their commitment to community resilience.
4.Support Community Resilience: Actively participate in building disaster preparedness and enhancing public safety.
1. Contribute to Disaster Risk Reduction: Acquire essential DRR skills and help mitigate the impacts of disasters.
2.Lifelong Commitment: Enhance DRR competency skills and support public safety within your community through volunteering.
3.Make a Positive Impact: Empower communities to become resilient and better prepared for disasters.
4.Recognition: All Company members receive an appreciation certificate upon completing one year of continuous support for their area and community.
5.Skill Development Opportunities: DCTIAH-KB-INDIA offers DRR skill-building opportunities for all company members, showcasing their contributions in various forums.
6.Strong DRR Networking: Join a robust network of like-minded DRR volunteering individuals and organizations dedicated to disaster risk reduction.
Register your details to become a Corporate Member and be part of a dedicated team making a difference in India’s disaster management and competent, knowledgeable DRR public safety efforts.