What We Do

Plan to Prepared your family

Emergency First Aid Kit

This resource helps you organize and manage critical financial, medical, and household information, ensuring you have everything you need in one place during an emergency situations.

Protective Actions

Access disaster-specific advice validated by research to effectively prepare for, stay safe during, and recover from various types of disasters. These guidelines offer practical steps tailored to different emergency scenarios.

Until Help Arrives

This program trains individuals, whether they are professionals or ordinary citizens, on how to provide life-saving care in emergency situations while waiting for first responders to arrive.

Are You Ready Guide

This guide offers detailed advice and actionable steps for planning ahead and being fully prepared for disasters. It covers a wide range of scenarios and provides in-depth strategies for comprehensive readiness.

Build a Kit and Make a Plan Checklists

These checklists provide clear and actionable steps to help you create a well-stocked emergency kit and develop a robust emergency plan. The guidelines will help you and your family become more resilient and better prepared for any future emergencies.

Prepared from disaster

Children and Youth

Explore engaging activities and unique opportunities to involve young people in disaster preparedness.

Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP)

A curriculum designed for students fourth grade and above, inspiring them to prepare for disasters, emergencies, and hazards both inside and outside the classroom.

Points for Youth and
Children Prepare

DCTIAH-KB-INDIA Volunteer Program

This initiative aims to teach young people valuable skills for responding to emergencies in their communities.

Youth Preparedness DCTIAH-KB-INDIA Committee

This Committee brings together young leaders passionate about making a positive impact in their communities through emergency management and disaster preparedness.

Workshop on Integrating the Needs of Children into Disasters

The goal of this workshop is to teach communities and organisations how to create programmes that give children's needs top priority during the planning stages of disasters.

Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP)

A curriculum designed for students fourth grade and above, inspiring them to prepare for disasters, emergencies, and hazards both inside and outside the classroom.

Youth Preparedness DCTIAH-KB-INDIA Committee

This Committee brings together young leaders passionate about making a positive impact in their communities through emergency management and disaster preparedness.


A comprehensive set of materials that educates children about preparing for and staying safe during disasters, emergencies, and other stressful situations.

Addressing Critical Needs


All the basics for businesses that are just getting started.

  • Quantity
  • Calculate the Population
  • Store the food & Water


All the basics for businesses that are just getting started.

  • Quantity
  • Take Correct Medicine
  • Take Correct Dosage


Advanced features for pros who need more customization.

  • Offline Map
  • Battery Backup
  • Identify the Location

Lignt Source

Advanced features for pros who need more customization.

  • Battery BackUp
  • Limited use of Power
  • Flash Lights(Hazard Blink)

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Roles for the Fmaily Preparedness