Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
Connecting the World in Disaster | Serve Our CommunityISO 9001:2015 Certified
Explore engaging activities and unique opportunities to involve young people in disaster preparedness.
A curriculum designed for students fourth grade and above, inspiring them to prepare for disasters, emergencies, and hazards both inside and outside the classroom.
This initiative aims to teach young people valuable skills for responding to emergencies in their communities.
This Committee brings together young leaders passionate about making a positive impact in their communities through emergency management and disaster preparedness.
The goal of this workshop is to teach communities and organisations how to create programmes that give children's needs top priority during the planning stages of disasters.
A curriculum designed for students fourth grade and above, inspiring them to prepare for disasters, emergencies, and hazards both inside and outside the classroom.
This Committee brings together young leaders passionate about making a positive impact in their communities through emergency management and disaster preparedness.
A comprehensive set of materials that educates children about preparing for and staying safe during disasters, emergencies, and other stressful situations.