Promoting Amateur Radio

Central to our mission is the promotion of amateur radio in India. Through initiatives such as Ham Radio (Amateur Radio) & Exam Support, we aim to reach and support all radio amateurs, enhancing their knowledge and operating skills. We believe in the power of amateur radio as a tool for communication, education, and community building.

Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR):

Supporting India's Disaster Risk Reduction Agenda

Aligned with the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Agenda on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), we are dedicated to supporting DRR efforts across India. Our volunteering services, including Emergency Radio Communication and Disaster Preparedness Community, aim to build resilience and preparedness in at-risk communities. By providing training and resources, we empower individuals to take proactive measures in mitigating disaster risks

Community Engagement

At the heart of our organization lies a commitment to community engagement. We value the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives within the amateur radio community, recognizing that it enriches our field and strengthens our collective efforts. Through initiatives like Train the Trainer programs and First Aider Training & Education, we foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among volunteers and community members.

Research and Development

  • We prioritize research and development in amateur radio, aiming to innovate and enhance communication capabilities through new technologies and methodologies.
  • By staying at the forefront of innovation, we equip our volunteers with the tools and knowledge necessary for success.

Advocacy and Education

  • We advocate for responsible radio activity and promote the social responsibility of amateurs in community assistance during crises.
  • Through initiatives like STEM Education & Ambassador Program, we inspire the next generation with a passion for communication and community service.

Safety, Health, Environment & Disaster Management:

  • Safety, health, environment, and disaster management are core to our organization, emphasizing training and education for volunteers.
  • Our initiatives, including Award & Training in Safety, Health, Environment & Disaster Management, celebrate excellence in these fields, inspiring others to excel.

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Diversity and inclusion are fundamental values shaping our organization, celebrating the richness of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives within the amateur radio community.
  • By embracing diversity,we foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where every member feels valued and respected.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At DCTIAH-KB-INDIA, our objectives and values are more than just words on a page – they are the guiding principles that drive us forward each day. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of others and build a safer, more resilient world for future generations. Join us in our mission and be a part of something truly special

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